Thursday, January 31, 2008
Freeonlinemount Bikes
Creeping softly, slowly, covering cars, houses, and creeping among the trees. Playing at blindman's buff with white passers-by, dampens their steps, taking them sight, jealous sorceress. Lovingly opatula what everyday and bear in order to back his seized milk crinoline to restore sight in dwojansob us, when excited, once again we discover the everyday life and the roadside to greet the lamp posts, as an old friend.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Welcome And Greetings Speech
Last month we spent shopping madness. I have two messages - one good, the other evil. From which you begin ...?
Well, maybe from the bad - our pockets are empty, dzidzia deprived us of any savings.
And now some good news - we bought everything already, what will we need. Phew, the list is endless. We already have the stroller, cot, the whole set of clothes, cosmetics, baby carrier, sleeping bag, blankets, changing table, lezaczek, educational materials, baby gym, two car seats, baby bath, a few changes peeeelno linen, and of course toys. I never thought that for such a small toddler will need so many things. The whole room guestroom is literally strewn with them ...
As if this were not enough, we decided to finally buy a car. So far, not much was needed for us - we would go everywhere by bicycle, motorbike or public transport. Well a man getting older and with age becomes increasingly wygodnicki.
I have to admit that friends received this message with joy. I saw the anxiety in their eyes when He joked that the Farrowing I go to the bike, and after giving birth to install a small lezaczek over the rear wheel. I guess they believed in my jokes, because from now on at every opportunity, remember how much you need a car with a small child:) Now, in the end can breathe a sigh of relief! And I coz - dry bread and water until the end of the month. Well, we will next month pay into the account will be added soon:)
Saturday, January 26, 2008 Games Online
I like them peeping through the curtain of leaves, lost in the moss, closed in the drops of dew, hidden in your hair, setting, przecedzone the grass tickling shyly golden ray.
sun after the rain, which had not yet finished its caress and slowly, lovingly, flows swollen by recent drops from the leaves of trees, like a lover protracted moments just before parting.
delicate, tenderly smoothing the newborn leaves, mischievous, draws radius on a wall, as frisky child, consists kisses on the foreheads of the passers-by smile dopraszajac August.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Can You Get Hand Feet And Mouth Disease Twice?
before yesterday it rained ... no wind drew handfuls in the cloud and splash fiercely in the faces of passers-by. But the drop - it also caress when we were hooked, psoci pumped in the glasses, lands at the mouth like a stolen kiss, and after these psikusach, flirt, dons a rainbow ...
Can You Fly If You Have Atrial Fibrillation Uk
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Skin Tag Near Urethral Opening
today on some of the statistics:
week of pregnancy: 26
Waist: 96 cm
Since the beginning of pregnancy arrived: 6 kg
to childbirth remained: 99 days (and it's hard to believe!)
to start maternity leave : 11 weeks
small Weight: about 800 grams
Height: about 34 cm
breakthrough event this week:
baby first opens her eyes. So far the eyelids were clenched. Apparently unborn children do not like bright light, they can cover your eyes with your hands or turn his head from the source.
Besides the statistical data, photographic documentation (belly pregnancy for 100 days before delivery):
Friday, January 18, 2008
Pokemon Deluge Maps Where The Acient Pokemon
Today relish the evening ... French
Mon enfant nue sur les galets Le vent dans
tes cheveux défaits
Comme un printemps sur mon trajet
tomb Un diamant d'un coffret la
light could undo our benchmarks secrets
Where my fingers on your wrist
taken I loved you, I love you and love you
Whatever you do Love is everywhere you look in every corner
In any dream you
Love wazoo
Nude on the rollers
Heaven knows you
claims he is so beautiful it must be true
He who never approach
I saw him caught in your nets
The world has so many regrets
So much has been promised
One that I'm done
I loved you, I ' likes I love you Whatever you do
Love is everywhere you look
In every corner of space
In any dream you
Love wazoo
Nu on rollers
We fly the same dock
eyes in the same reflections
For this life and the one after
You'll be my only project
I'll go ask your portraits
At all caps every palate
On all the walls I would find
And just below, write
That only the light could
... And my fingers caught
your wrists I loved you, I love you, I t 'love
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Quo Cosmetics And Mac Cosmetics
First expectancy was GREAT - the first movement, the first kopniaczki. I wanted to feel them as early as possible in order to gain certainty that the dzidzia everything is fine. Waited, waited, waited ...
Around 16 weeks I felt the first "something". But this was not kopniaczek just such a strange rumble in the belly. Just unwinding in the bath when I felt like small bubbles move from left to right. A little bit later on back - from right to left. I was not even sure if I or my dzidzia.
So I decided to repeat the experiment every day - every time it was the same. Was enough evening drink a glass of milk, eat something sweet, lie down in the bath and the effect is guaranteed. Sometimes I felt as if the gold fish swam inside of me. Those were beautiful feeling. They added me a certainty that the little one is alright, as alive and well.
After about a week bubbles took on momentum. She did not have to go to the bath, to feel my goldfish. She gave of himself to know a few times a day. Much to my embarrassment rumble in his tummy sometimes quite noisy at times. One day his boss offered me a sandwich, thinking that he is starving;)
Since that time, my husband decided every day "listening Child". Talkin 'to the stomach, and he corresponded tummy rumble. It seemed to me that recognizes the voice of Roo Daddy, how many times I spoke to him, suddenly enlivened bubbles. One day when this type of "conversation" when my husband just put his ear to the abdomen, they both felt a kopniaczek first. Kopnelo baby daddy straight in the eye! Oniemielismy the impression! Today
Maly surfing in me like crazy. Sometimes I sell these kicks, with curls in half. Peter me zebra, with premeditated jumps across the bladder. The most likes to do it during my official meetings at work. I must admit, is extremely masculine sense of the situation:)
How To Use The Toy Motors
wet and smells permeated town forest breeze brushes my face and combed hair, and I myself mumble the devil as a whistle - mniamusne, mniamusne ...
wind, this whimsical messenger, who hurls us how he wishes, przetrzepie black thoughts, the dusty recesses of whom already do not want, or we are afraid to look.
Today is mild, responsive, and oh, so fragrant ... as well, the wind is masculine ...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
How To Masterbate With A Teddy
I think that it will include snacks, which make everyday life melts on the tongue ... I do not mean only culinary, although it already has occurred to me before my eyes (only the imagination, in anticipation of the generosity years) the sun warmed strawberries, freshly picked from the bush, and his divine aroma of steaming ...
not promise regularity, sometimes hard to find treats ...