Thursday, February 7, 2008

Trace Chennai Landline Number


Another ture research I was almost behind him. The list drawn up by the midwife was to tick me only ophthalmologist. But it Pikus small in comparison with those bloodsuckers in white kitlach, who within the last week pumped out of me almost all the blood.

exemplary study came out - morphology, without reservations, the sugar level is normal, the level of iron perfect. Dzidzia grows like a weed - measured about 40 cm, and weighs over a kilogram. It is laid down head in, but knowing her temperament had time to many times przefikolkowac. Her heart beats like crazy - 145 times per minute. Generally, a physician described the course of my pregnancy as a book. I guess it bore such cases, because at the end of the visit hardly refrain from yawning.

Well the nude but I can not complain, especially with the local Health Care provides me with activities such as testing blood sugar levels after glucose administration. It started rather innocently - I had drink a whole bottle of a special drink for athletes. 25% of this mixture is glucose, the rest is water, some Vitamins, dyes, and God knows what else. This drink is usually given out-athletes. Already after a few minutes I had a chance to find out why ...

politely, sat down before the cabinet, when he suddenly felt as if someone has connected me to the battery. I got such a kick of energy that I could no longer sit still. I started to walk from one energetic step at the end of the corridor on the second and tempted me, so that they run, jump or a little bit though. Fortunately there was no handy list form to participate in the marathon. Honestly, the zapisalabym August on the next run!

The rest is not just me I was such a nabuzowana. Roo in the stomach from the beginning started to bore, and every minute more vigorously kick me in the ribs. After half an hour did these fikolki that literally I felt like a washing machine with spinning!

Now I already knew - at the extreme exhaustion, after sleepless nights just drink Lucozade will be able to me working on my feet. Probably do a lot of stocks - as he found handy for three months already!


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