Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Watch Beautiful Agonymale

Vacation Photos

Today my last day at work. All buttoned up the last button - Deputy przyuczona, full documentation prepared, unnecessary files from your computer deleted, backup made.

Only now - after thorough orders - I see that I had a huge desk. I got rid of all paper documents, prints, discs and magazines, which littered the months of August on the table. I do not remember when I had such a taxonomic order - both in computer and round. And how many interesting things will have found the way:)

Many people are curious, as in England looks like maternity leave. So really it all depends on the employer - one is more generous, the other less. In my case, leave the financial side is as follows:

  • for the first 18 weeks I would get in. salaries (cost paid by the employer)
  • over the next 21 weeks I'll be the Queen of the pot and the British government. Every week I will be shed into the account a little over 100 pounds. This amount is constant and does not depend on the amount of salary
  • the next 13 weeks - unpaid
Total August is beautifully summed up to 52 weeks, ie ROUND year. If after that time did not come back to work, trace time. Fortunately, no longer need to declare it now, when my back will happen. I can do it anytime. And most importantly, if it is willing to return to half-time, the employer must agree.

Besides maternity leave is also paternity leave. It lasts for 2 weeks and usually begins on the day of birth (although the special request can take it a little later). I hope that thanks to her husband's help I will manage somehow to survive the most difficult first few weeks ...


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