end and new beginning ...
It looks like the end of the story is now. Strange that even I do not feel terrible, I was filled with just such an emptiness inside. Expecting a lot after this connection, in general, in many respects he was perfect, maybe that's why. Anyway, end of August zbilza relatively large steps, probably too much already lived now in order to break down. I'm a little sad but nothing beyond that. Already two weeks ago as August poklucilismy came to the conclusion, perhaps, but I am one of those women who should be the same. Now I feel that we are beginning a new stage, if not already this soon. I'll have to change the apartment to some cool cozy single room with internet and garden, and no time to get out of the swamp which is my current job. I know that zsluguje for more, for the work that made me swallow and the results will be duly appreciated. Probably not every story ends with a 'happy ending', this life ... He'll be fine, I know about it and I found myself in an incredible motivation. I'm glad I did not became pregnant, but rather to a miscarriage. You can see this on the top actually has some deeper, larger plan. Maybe from the beginning it is hard to fathom, and there comes a time the man finally understands what's going on and why everything happened to us was to survive. Again make my hair and they go well with this feeling, I do not know why it's always an added strength to me. Time slowly prepare yourself for something new ...
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