Monday, December 10, 2007

Milena Velba Musée

Last longer ultrasound

just got back from the fifth and last longer in the pregnancy, ultrasound. Strange habits here in May. Through the first half of pregnancy, ultrasound performed every two weeks, and how to survive to the already 20 weeks and everything is in order, is the next opportunity to admire a baby after birth. Well, unless someone wishes to perform the additional test but then it was only a private (read: paid).

If up to now were any questions about sex baby, it disappeared this morning. It grows to us a hundred percent man. And in addition to his passion for boxing (which could be seen exactly on the screen). Kicks is also quite right:) Daddy laughed with in the garden instead of a sandbox, you will build a boxing ring:) Exactly - was supposed to be quiet, shy girl in pink sukieneczkach, and will be a boxer. I think someone swapped my baby !!!!:)

Well, but most importantly, to dzidzia was healthy. So far everything is okay at best. Doctors carefully watched the little feet, hands, spine, also examined the action of organs - kidneys, stomach, bladder, and hearts. August when it had to show not quite patience - a little bored so August, so jump that was somewhat difficult to measure.

probably should take this doctor example. Does someone of you knows maybe some websites, extramural courses to practice cierpliowsci:)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Los Hombres Paco Episode Online

about clothes again

took place yesterday landmark event. The last couple of pre-pregnancy pants landed in the attic:) These were old, learned jeans, always too big for me. Just two weeks ago, I needed the bar to not rolled off my ass. A few days later, the bar was completely unnecessary, and already last August, I could not attain them. Really amazing!)

Being in the third month of pregnancy have produced with her husband to go shopping. I came back from hunting like the winner - pregnancy with three pairs of pants and five new bluzeczkami. Then all these clothes seemed just HUGE. "Two people would come in at a fit" - I thought. - "When I start in this walk? Probably only in the spring. "O How wrong was I!)

Winter not yet been able to properly zawitac us, and I'm walking on clothes," for elephants. " I only hope that all those pre-pregnancy clothes will be good for me for several months. For now, let yourself rest in the attic:)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

How Much Does A Solarium Bed Cost


Brzusio grows, grows, but not as fast as if I expected. Still I see no problem toes, and bending over and attach the shoes does not cause any trouble yet. Recently, my friend told me that already the sixth month pregnancy was not able to tie his shoelaces:) At home, helped her husband, and disbanded as the boots on the street ... he asked a passerby:) Well, apparently every pregnancy is different ...

And here is my pregnancy brzusio. Before I had a pregnancy in the waist 65 cm, now I have something like 90cm!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Spanish Condolences Messages In Spanish

photos from the visit of U.S. midwives

Here's a picture from our last ultrasound. It grows a little fatty for us - what you see is a big tummy? And that's as though he smiled, no?

Denise Milano Normale Fotos

Sundays came to us with a visit to midwife. She brought the results of my recent study of blood. Everything came as should be - supposedly the results book. In addition, after 30 years of life I found out that my blood group 0 Rh +. I always thought that I AB. Please what a surprise!

As on every visit, I measured blood pressure, blood sugar and weight. Finally, she went up the hint! Since the beginning of pregnancy, has grown fat inches 1.5 kg. But neither the midwife did not share some of my satisfaction! 1.5 kg is much too little. So far, I should utyc around 5 kg. But how to do it?

At the end she asked Aug. midwife visit us if you want to listen to the beating hearts baby. What a question! Sure, we want! She held my tummy a special camera, and already after a while could be heard clearly strong and very quick impact. Apparently the Little Ones heart beats about 150 times per minute - more than twice that of adults. Oh, how I would like to have such equipment at home. I'd listen to every evening when Little Ones! I have just quietly hope, that soon will dzidzia gave me a strong kopniaczkami know!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dolly Partons Boobs Bared To See

pink dresses

Today we begin the eighteenth week, a fifth month of pregnancy! Time flies like crazy, is not it? Only after expanding August tummy can see it very clearly.

Yesterday we went for ultrasound. Yes, again. This time it was a thorough examination of all organs - kidneys, bladder, heart, stomach, spine, etc.

As usual before the test come over my fear, and what will be, when ... Sludge as a doctor to death, the soft legs and a pale face. I heard its not even a friendly "Good morning" or questions about the well-being. Silence on my part meant that looked at me in a split second research realized that what is going on.

He put me camera into the abdomen and immediately a huge smile brightened his face. "May you only look at the heart. Beats steadily and regularly. " I looked at the screen, as if a huge rock fell from my heart. I thought I would weep with joy. I kept repeating the mantra of thoughts like "heart beats steadily and regularly, regularly beats, beats ..."

Only after several minutes of this strange state I blurted out a question, whom from the beginning I was not able to understand . Question was about the clothes, rather their color. "Clothes? Clothes? Ah, yes, I bought beautiful dresses. And everything from the moment of conception Dzidzia Iza we cry, poor. " This confession aroused general merriment. The doctor praised indeed pretty name, but with some strange smile on his face. Do they know something that I do not know? "- I thought quickly. The only response I heard - "Please look carefully at the screen. What do you see? ". I look at an eye and replied, with little visible Pupka and kicking legs. "Exactly, and what do you see between the legs?" At this point dzidzia froze for a moment and could not be a shadow of doubt. We will have a son!

"I suggest to change the name of" - he added the doctor - "Children are allowed to tease him a little at school:). A sukieneczek avail, and probably will not:) "

And so we now have the task of fighting - what name to choose for a boy? And can you have any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

South Jersey Mens Bath House


order to maintain a healthy pregnant women, doctors recommend long walks and swimming. So I go regularly to the pool, although the last arouse some kind of sensation - and not just among men but also among women. We all stare at me, and I was horrible.

Well, but do not be surprised. Not seen daily in August after all pregnant at the bikini:) And a lot to look at - long, slender legs, breasts like Pamela Anderson ... and a balloon instead of the abdomen. I look like I swallowed a basketball. All the lamp at me, smile and comment under his breath.

Despite these disadvantages, I go bravely to the pool at least twice a week. I really recommend!

Monday, November 5, 2007

My Car Amp Worked Momentarily And Then Quit

empty cupboard

time is speeding by so fast that I can barely keep up. Only when the calendar pages, and after getting bigger tummy see how much time has passed since August. The longer I go pregnant for 15 weeks!

slowly begins to notice changes in my body shape. Everything was beautifully rounded - especially belly:) Yesterday I made clean out the closet - all the short skirts, tight tops landed in the attic. Their fate also has divided the nine pairs of trousers, in which he could not squeeze it. And now what am I went? Cupboard is empty: (You will choose to take some good shopping.

forgot to mention to you about my latest survey, taken shortly after his return from Warsaw. This was a study focused on the detection of genetic diseases - especially Down syndrome (extra chromosome 21) and the team of Edward (an extra chromosome 18). This is a concatenated blood test and ultrasound.

As a reward for utoczenie 10 ml of blood, once again I had a chance to see my Dzidzia on the screen. It was probably just to get ready to start in salsa contest. He shook kuperkiem, dug feet, waving lapeczkami and neither time did not want to sit in peace.

After a moment I managed to confront health visitor, and ... we went giant! It turned out that the week has grown more than 3 centimeters. The doctor was surprised, once again I changed the planned date of delivery. Already nothing that I do not understand. In one week, they say - "but this little lady baby," and in a few days later - "as so forth go, you will be born dzidzia meter:)." And who am I to believe?

fact that the face I will not close .. and it is certainly not the verbiage. The whole time I eat something, chewing, swallowing. Najsmieszniej is, as the phone rings at work, and I have mouths stuffed whole food. And there is always a dilemma - whether to collect and lisp, not at all answer:) Now I know why nothing is housed at me, and dzidzia growing at breathtaking speed. Just as I manage to give birth this emerged kluseczke?

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sore Throat With Ulcers

Pictures from ultrasound

Finally, in August has collected, to publish some pictures from the ultrasound captured in Warsaw. Dzidzia then had a little over 12 weeks.

in this photo doctor Dzidzia measured from head to bum, to determine the exact date of conception. The measure came out 5.36 cm, which had dzidzia then 12 weeks and 1 day.

The above photograph you can see platinum cross-section of the head and brain. It looks a bit like a walnut:)

Here you can see the head, hands and stomach from the top.

As if examined, is the picture you can see the torso, leg, elbow and small feet.

Here the doctor measures the circumference tummy. Now I know why I go so hungry. Impressing Dzidzia tummy is big - apparently slim fashion for my Infant's, and do not care.