Today we begin the eighteenth week, a fifth month of pregnancy! Time flies like crazy, is not it? Only after expanding August tummy can see it very clearly.
Yesterday we went for ultrasound. Yes, again. This time it was a thorough examination of all organs - kidneys, bladder, heart, stomach, spine, etc.
As usual before the test come over my fear, and what will be, when ... Sludge as a doctor to death, the soft legs and a pale face. I heard its not even a friendly "Good morning" or questions about the well-being. Silence on my part meant that looked at me in a split second research realized that what is going on.
He put me camera into the abdomen and immediately a huge smile brightened his face. "May you only look at the heart. Beats steadily and regularly. " I looked at the screen, as if a huge rock fell from my heart. I thought I would weep with joy. I kept repeating the mantra of thoughts like "heart beats steadily and regularly, regularly beats, beats ..."
Only after several minutes of this strange state I blurted out a question, whom from the beginning I was not able to understand . Question was about the clothes, rather their color. "Clothes? Clothes? Ah, yes, I bought beautiful dresses. And everything from the moment of conception Dzidzia Iza we cry, poor. " This confession aroused general merriment. The doctor praised indeed pretty name, but with some strange smile on his face. Do they know something that I do not know? "- I thought quickly. The only response I heard - "Please look carefully at the screen. What do you see? ". I look at an eye and replied, with little visible Pupka and kicking legs. "Exactly, and what do you see between the legs?" At this point dzidzia froze for a moment and could not be a shadow of doubt. We will have a son!
"I suggest to change the name of" - he added the doctor - "Children are allowed to tease him a little at school:). A sukieneczek avail, and probably will not:) "
And so we now have the task of fighting - what name to choose for a boy? And can you have any suggestions?
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