Monday, November 5, 2007

My Car Amp Worked Momentarily And Then Quit

empty cupboard

time is speeding by so fast that I can barely keep up. Only when the calendar pages, and after getting bigger tummy see how much time has passed since August. The longer I go pregnant for 15 weeks!

slowly begins to notice changes in my body shape. Everything was beautifully rounded - especially belly:) Yesterday I made clean out the closet - all the short skirts, tight tops landed in the attic. Their fate also has divided the nine pairs of trousers, in which he could not squeeze it. And now what am I went? Cupboard is empty: (You will choose to take some good shopping.

forgot to mention to you about my latest survey, taken shortly after his return from Warsaw. This was a study focused on the detection of genetic diseases - especially Down syndrome (extra chromosome 21) and the team of Edward (an extra chromosome 18). This is a concatenated blood test and ultrasound.

As a reward for utoczenie 10 ml of blood, once again I had a chance to see my Dzidzia on the screen. It was probably just to get ready to start in salsa contest. He shook kuperkiem, dug feet, waving lapeczkami and neither time did not want to sit in peace.

After a moment I managed to confront health visitor, and ... we went giant! It turned out that the week has grown more than 3 centimeters. The doctor was surprised, once again I changed the planned date of delivery. Already nothing that I do not understand. In one week, they say - "but this little lady baby," and in a few days later - "as so forth go, you will be born dzidzia meter:)." And who am I to believe?

fact that the face I will not close .. and it is certainly not the verbiage. The whole time I eat something, chewing, swallowing. Najsmieszniej is, as the phone rings at work, and I have mouths stuffed whole food. And there is always a dilemma - whether to collect and lisp, not at all answer:) Now I know why nothing is housed at me, and dzidzia growing at breathtaking speed. Just as I manage to give birth this emerged kluseczke?


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